| The Peter Noone Interview JV: We're here on Visual Radio with Peter Noone, Peter, great to see you. PN: Hey Joe, how ya doin? It's funny sitting here with these Monkees' songs going in the background, that's Davey Jones of The Monkees rehearsing his show, so if you recocgnize some Monkees tunes, they're not mine, they just sound like Herman's Hermits | JV: ...They sound like... PN: I think The Monkees was kind of a follow-on to Herman's Hermits, wasn't it? JV: absolutely PN: It's that kind of...stealing the same kind of energy and then having a TV show about us...Yeah.. JV: That's probably something that should have happened for Herman's Hermits...you should've had a TV show PN: No, No, No, No, No...we didn't want a tv show, we wanted to be a rock & roll band, that's all we were interested in. We didn't want a tv show. We wanted just to be Herman's Hermits, that's hard to be just Herman's Hermits you know. So we started out as a band who drove around in a van and then we became big stars everywhere in the world. And then we stopped, it's good. Perfect. Perfect career. JV: You were second maybe only to The Beatles in that four year period for having, what, 18 hit records in Billboard... PN: Yeah, but my mom thought we were better than The Beatles, and my sister. You know The Beatles were the best thing around, I mean, to be even compared in the same sentence is pretty good, thank you. You know, from that period there were like four bands, it was like Herman's Hermits, Beatles, Stones and Dave Clark Five. And then lots of other bands who sort of had a bit, a piece of the cake, they all shared one bit, we all shared the big part. I know this song. JV: I don't ("She Hangs Out" from Pisces, Aquariaus Jones & Dolenz - see photo below) |
PN: It's a Monkees tune. I have a 12 year old daughter and there's this TV channel called Nicolodean and they have all these constant..constant like...those...TV shows from the 60's and the 70's JV: It's a great channel, Nik At Night, Nicolodean PN: I'm one of these weird people who doesn't watch television so it's all very confusing to me. I meet people and they say, I say I feel I know you from |  | somewhere... and they say "I was in Charlie's Angels"...and I say "What label were you on? ".. you know Charlie's Angel was a TV show and I missed it, I missed it all. Now there's this bathing suit...I know David Hasselhoff, and I see him on the airport the other day and all these women are making this big fuss about him ...and I said "Is his TV show still on" and they say "it's the #1 TV show" I said "That silly show about a car" and they said "NO, it's not a car, it's a surf show or something..." yes, I remember him when he had a tv show...last time I saw him... JV: Knight Rider PN: Exactly. He had this car that spoke...I said that is the stupidest idea for a TV show I've ever heard of ...and he said "Well, it's doing well", so I said "Well done." He's a nice guy, I like him. JV: Yes, he was on a record label around the corner from my house, Critique Records, part of BMG PN: I know he's always wanted to be a bit of a singer, he asked me to produce him once, but, unfortunately i didn't have time for any of that, you know JV: That'd be cool, a cool collaboration PN: I think he should go, if he's any good, he should go with Don Was or somebody like that, and get a hit record. Why not, if you're on tv like that, he's pretty famous, if just everybody who semi liked him off the TV bought a record he'd sell twenty million records. ...that guy...the drummer...his wife's in that show as well what's that really good drummer, his wife's in that show as well... JV: Pamela Lee...Pamela Anderson (The Monkees1 song Vallerie by Davey Jones is playing live in the background during sound check PN: Yeah, Lee, he's a good drummer JV: Motley Crue PN: What a great drummer, big guy, like Stan Lynch, those big guys play the drumgs good. JV: It's a good band PN: Is it? I've never seen the band, I've just seen him. I went to a gig once, they were at The Forum, and I stand in the back cause they were too loud for me, and I remember the drummer was like, wow, good drummer, and he came off the stage and spun around...good stuff JV: Now you mentioned your daughter, Natalie, she sang on your...is that your most recent album, your live album |
 | PN: Yeah, it's a CD and an album that I sell just on my website and at concerts, you know, not on the Teen Idol concerts - my solo ones, it's just really a collection of like live stuff, you know, and at the London Palladium she sang a song with me, and we recorded it, and it's in the album, it's different things, you know, Herman's Hermits live, Peter Noone live, it's called Peter Noone On The Road JV: Yes, we were listening on the way up, Chris (Warden, our camera woman) has | an autographed copy, she saw you a couple of years ago... PN: Good for Chris, she sure has very good taste in music JV: She does PN: So there's another version of that, there's the one with the English tunes in it, which is kind of hip, I'll send you that one, because in England we had different hits, some have different songs in songs in England JV: I've got a question for you, we have a co-host (a few actually, Joe Tortelli in this instance) that couldn't make it tonight, but he said to mention to you, Goldie & The Gingerbreads did a tune of yours... PN: You know what happened..."Can't You Hear My Heartbeat" we were going to do it...two friends of mine wrote it .... & Lewis...John C...and lewis, and they left it on Mickey Most desk, and I think Mike who was The ANimal's manager - nicked it, and recorded it with Goldie & The Gingerbreads...and they put theirs out before we could in England, so we had the hit in America which was better and they had the hit in England...small hit (Peter jokes and is facetious throughout the interview so take his comments with a grain of salt...) JV: But she went on to become Genya Ravan & Ten Years A... Ten Years...TEN WHEEL DRIVE!!! PN: Ten Wheel Drive and Ten Years After...yeah, she grew her hair a little bit more, got a bigger nose, changed color... |
JV: I worked with both Alvin Lee and Genya in a promotion capacity so I get them confused... PN Alright JV: Sorry about that PN Genya, yeah, I remember her. They were nice, I remember them - we used to run into them, nice people. Tough girls from New York, I remember them, yeah, didn't want to mention anything about the |  | record in case they'd beat me up... JV: a hem, ...very good...ah...your daughter recorded with you at The London Palladium did you cut the whole live album there? PN: No,some of it was in Palm Springs, some of it, it's all different places...actually, the last time I did date with Davey was in Coopertino, in California, which is like this...famnous because Apples are made there or something, Mcintosh is there ...and ah, I did "Ferry Across The MErsey" and "If I Fell" there, and, you know bits and pieces from everywhere, I ...we just did Ferry Cross The Mersey for fun, it's not my song End Part I. This was a 40-50 minute interview with Peter broadcast on Visual Radio in 1998. Visual Radio Interview With Peter Noone July 23, 1998, 5:30 P.M. Transcribed 7-25-98, 7:30 PM Copyright(C) 1998 Joe Viglione |
  Track listing 1. I'M Into Something Good 2. Silhouettes 3. Wonderful World 4. Must To Avoid 5. For Love 6. Mrs Brown You'Ve Got A Lo 7. Dream On 8. Jezebel 9. You Won'T Be Leaving 10. This Door Swings Both Way 11. Just A Little Bit Better 12. Museum 13. Don'T Go Out Into The Rai 14. I Can Take Or Leave Your 15. Listen People 16. No Milk Today 17. There's A Kind Of Hush 18. I'M Henry The Viii I Am 19. East West 20. Show Me Girl 21. Sleepy Joe 22. Sunshine Girl 23. Something Is Happening 24. My Sentimental Friend 25. Here Comes The Star 26. Years May Come Years May 27. Bet Yer Life I Do 28. Lady Barbara 29. Green Street Green 30. Peter Noone Right On Moth    
Thanks Joe and Herman. Always enjoy reading this one, wherever I find it on the internet.